Atelier Esdeveniments organises “El Gran Banquet”

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Girona-based agency Atelier Esdeveniments was in charge of organising the grand finale of the first edition of the competition “El Gran Banquet”. The competition showcased the talent of students from Catalonia’s catering colleges and knowledge of local products and training.

This contest, promoted by Fòrum Gastronòmic and Can Garús, closed the last edition of the Forum Gastronòmic Girona, held at Palau de Congressos de Girona, Girona’s Convention Centre.

The facilities at Escola d’Hostaleria i Turisme de Girona provided the venue for the final stage of the competition, which consisted of recreating a banquet service for fifty diners. The two finalist catering colleges employed different techniques and styles of Catalan cuisine and table service before a professional jury composed of twenty experts in cuisine, dining service and the sector.

In addition to the 20 members of the jury, various representatives from institutions and companies attended “El Gran Banquet” together with renowned professionals from the sector.

“El Gran Banquet” formed part of the activities organised under the new format presented by Forum Gastronòmic Girona, consisting of offering specific programmes for the general public and for professionals, with particular emphasis on spaces dedicated to training.